Wednesday, March 31, 2004
If you visit this...
New Strip Mall of America Stretches Over 1/6th of North Dakota
Send me a postcard and make sure you get me a ceramic bell that says "Strip Mall of America: Tolling for the end of civilization"
Send me a postcard and make sure you get me a ceramic bell that says "Strip Mall of America: Tolling for the end of civilization"
mp3 vs. aac
I just noticed that Take Five started with just a drum beat for a few bars before the piano came in. That is so weird. A friend just gave me this old Dave Brubeck CD and couldn't belive the new discovery I had about the opening. Burritos give me such observation skills. I can even hear the difference between the mp3 and aac versions I had of this song. The mp3 sounds much scratchier.
Air America: First Impression
I tried listening to Air America Radio this morning. The first thing I heard when I tuned it in was an advert which is fine but it was for an SUV!
Back to Public Radio for me.
Back to Public Radio for me.
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Oh Internet
Where else can you read a message sent from one saucy individual to his (or her) future self?
you are probably rich now and probably don't use free e-mail services, but anyway i hope you aren't masturbating as much as you used to. happy birthday nigga.
(written Wed Nov 19, 2003, to be delivered Wed Sep 15, 2004)
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Leaves of Green
I eat a lot of spinach. I got tired of lettuce that was never quite green enough and went bad too quickly so I gave up on it and started buying and growing spinach. I knew it had more nutrients but I just learned that it simply has more of everything. I get so much Folate!
The hardest thing about spinach is washing it well enough. Gritty spinach makes for unhappy chewing. That's a tricky process, the best way is to put it in a bowl at least the size of a small mixing bowl, enough so you're hand can fit in it. Add a handful of spinach to the bowl and fill with water. Stick you hand in and grab the spinach gently and slosh it up and down, washing away the dirt. Lift it out and rinse in in a strainer. Spin or Shake dry.
For particular rippled leaves like the ones from my garden you may need to rub the under side of the leaves while under the water, a soft brush may help as well.
Spinach is excellent in a salad with a little bit of dressing and or some feta cheese, it is also good steamed or sauteed in a little oil with garlic. You can also sautee it and bake it on a pizza.
The hardest thing about spinach is washing it well enough. Gritty spinach makes for unhappy chewing. That's a tricky process, the best way is to put it in a bowl at least the size of a small mixing bowl, enough so you're hand can fit in it. Add a handful of spinach to the bowl and fill with water. Stick you hand in and grab the spinach gently and slosh it up and down, washing away the dirt. Lift it out and rinse in in a strainer. Spin or Shake dry.
For particular rippled leaves like the ones from my garden you may need to rub the under side of the leaves while under the water, a soft brush may help as well.
Spinach is excellent in a salad with a little bit of dressing and or some feta cheese, it is also good steamed or sauteed in a little oil with garlic. You can also sautee it and bake it on a pizza.

Monday, March 22, 2004
Wheat Grass
Wheat Grass is fun to grow. it is very cute when it is growing and really cool when grown. I will try to take some in-progress photos next time.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
First Rose
I shot this about a month ago, I suck but ain't it cool?

Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Summer Time
I read a blog that put the current state the weather so eloquently summer came all at once. Well put sir.
Monday, March 15, 2004
JJ and I hit the town on Saturday. We started at Ben's, mmm. Then we walked around a bit. We found our way to the Blank club and not to be confused with someone cool but I agreed to see the bands playing that night. There were three openers and the headliner. The first opener sucked so after that, we walked to the Hedley Club in the De Anza Hotel. There was a band playing there too, a jumpin' happenin' band I must say. I even, uncharacteristically, danced and I'm sure JJ learned her lesson when I broke into the crazy legs dance.
We went back to the Blank Club, flashing our stamped hands, to catch the headliner. The headliner, Dishwalla, could best be described as pretty. Musically, they were very tight. If I could make a meal like they could perform music, I wouldn't be here. I'd be ranting on a blog made of gold encrusted with jewels. sadly, the singer sounds like the singer in the band who rips off the singer of Green Day. Their music was just as unoriginal, same old radio static. I don't think there is a motel lounge musty enough to be a fitting venue for these guys.
Keep smiling boys, say "hi" face-down-in-the-pool-overdose-land for me.
We went back to the Blank Club, flashing our stamped hands, to catch the headliner. The headliner, Dishwalla, could best be described as pretty. Musically, they were very tight. If I could make a meal like they could perform music, I wouldn't be here. I'd be ranting on a blog made of gold encrusted with jewels. sadly, the singer sounds like the singer in the band who rips off the singer of Green Day. Their music was just as unoriginal, same old radio static. I don't think there is a motel lounge musty enough to be a fitting venue for these guys.
Keep smiling boys, say "hi" face-down-in-the-pool-overdose-land for me.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Sweet, sweet compost
After many failed attempts at successful composting over the better part of a year, I finally decided to take the free class offered by the county all along. I decided to be get serious, I dropped a Uly on a proper compost bin and had at it.
The result... so far so good! My sister, who is three days away from being a certified Master Composter, complemented my compost heap all the way down to the smell. I can't take all the credit though. Along with my sister I had the help from the partnership of Flora and Fauna.
They say successful composting requres a healthy mix of Nitrogen, Carbon, Water and Oxygen... they forgot to mention gumption!
The result... so far so good! My sister, who is three days away from being a certified Master Composter, complemented my compost heap all the way down to the smell. I can't take all the credit though. Along with my sister I had the help from the partnership of Flora and Fauna.
They say successful composting requres a healthy mix of Nitrogen, Carbon, Water and Oxygen... they forgot to mention gumption!