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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

entropy to the rescue

I have so many tomato plants growing right now. I diligently planted a number of seeds of for many different delicacies and nurtured them in little pots inside so that when the ground warmed up they would be ready to go in. I pictured myself lying flat on my back in the dirt drenched in sun crunching raw vegetables of every variety. Then I got consumed by deliverables at work and with C5. I didn't get to plant any of that stuff. Fortunately, seeds from last year's spectacular tomato plants found themselves in the oddest locations. I'm not sure how they got there, by critters and birds I suppose. The rain made sure they felt at home and all of a sudden, I saw some pretty and fragrant weeds. I dug them up and transplanted them into a bed. Then I started to find more throughout the yard. I left those where they were for fun. It is going to be a huge year for tomatoes, hello sandwiches! Hello pasta sauce! Hello salsa! Hello eating cherry tomatoes plucked one by one from the bush like a bunch of grapes (while lying in the dirt of course).

Monday, June 20, 2005

Good Location

When I bought my house two years ago, I was happy to tell myself that it is only 5 blocks from the site of the new civic center (and just as close to Ben's). I figured that would be good for resale blah blah. The new civic center opens in a month and conveniently enough, I'll need to start showing up there for Arts Commission meetings. I knew that looming tower meant more to me.

Wish you were here!

After a few weekend days of toiling in the garden we finally spent the day enjoying it. I had a little vacation day in San Jose.

Breakfast was late and filling. After the farmer's market Sunday morning, I made huevos rancheros with a can of veg chili I needed to use for a while and some onions, sauteed zucchini (cuz I like it), mi pueblo salsa on a tortilla with some avocado and a little crumbled smoked cheese. I spent the rest of the day sitting under the sun in the garden, returning inside (repeatedly) to assemble some cocktails with various juices (cranberry, fresh lemon and had to made a nectar run to mi pueblo), and the spirits that I rarely use outside of party events. In the glasses, floated berries, cherries and little apricots. At some point, muffins with apricot, banana, walnut and chocolate chunks! Dinner was broiled veggies (eggplant and mixed squashes) over pasta with oil and cheese and raw diced tomato. I even roasted some garlic cloves in a bunch of oil for bread purposes.

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