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Saturday, August 25, 2007

On the road

The Half-Assed Homemaker is now homeless. I moved out of the house spent the summer visiting friends and family and volunteering on organic farms. I am now across the country, across the river from Boston and will be living here. The first few days were rough, I was so hard up for something familiar, I picked up a fallen peach (with only a small spot of mold), tore it in half and ate it as I walked along. While on the go, vegetarian food options are limited, cheese pizza and ale is what I usually turn to for nutrition. As my knowledge of the roads strengthens, I am biking farther each day so this diet isn't going to be immediately problematic. I also stop in at any farmers markets I pass and get a piece of fruit which is really nice. Once I have my own kitchen, I'll settle into having a more regular supply of nutritious food.

My sister suggests to pretend I'm on a long trip abroad. The humidity is certainly helping that mindset.

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