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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Skewers and Pins

Preparing to have people over seems to motivate me to get going on projects that I want to get to. I have meant to make this for a while. Sometimes, I'd rather attack a project than find a hiding place for the materials sitting around. The time constraint makes me create a simpler approach. The procrastination is usually caused by complexity. If the project is daunting, I won't want to get to it. But when I am motivated to do it fast, I'll create a super-awesome simple approach and love it!

Lamp Shade
This is a lamp shade. The screw-top that normally holds a lampshade onto the lamp is tightened on a wooden skewer. The paper is rolled into a cylinder and fastened with small brass safety pins and, as you can see, the shade hangs on the wooden skewer via more safety pins.
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