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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Sunday Zucchini

Pick some zucchinies about 3 inches long, be careful not to knock off the blossom. Under a slow stream of water rub only the actual fruit clean, not he blossom, don't run water on it yet. Slice the zucchini in half lengthwise, first cut the fruit, then gently drag the blade of the knife against the puffiest part of the blossom (lengthwise). Break off the pistil or halves of pistil from both sides, that's the naughty bits.

Now gently rinse the blossom, hold by the fruit and trickle water on the inside and then on the outside. Lie them on a plate, cut side up. Sprinkle with kosher salt and grind on some pepper. Listen to JJ when she suggests you serve them raw.

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